Monday, March 8, 2021

The Tilley Hat Guarantee

I bought my old Tilley Hat back in 2003.  I've taken it on all our camping trips, and I have mowed the yard with it for 18 summers.

I used it so much I wore a hole in the crown.  Tilley is known for their "Lifetime Guarantee", but I was pretty skeptical.  Sure, it says "Lifetime Guarantee" to market their product to you, but will they live up to their name and do what they promise?  A lot can change in 18 years.

To honor the guarantee, Tilley asked me to further destroy the hat and cut off the entire crown.  That was a sad moment.

But my skepticism was unfounded.  Tilley came through and honored their guarantee.  I was all ready to shoot back all kinds of arguments, but there was no argument.  I showed them the pictures they asked for, and Tilley said, "No problem!".  I was quite happy!

They were unable to replace my old hat with an exact model and color as what I had, so I had to switch over to an olive drab color. 

But wouldn't you know, I have some other people in the house that have latched onto my new hat.  And anyways, I think this guy makes the new Tilley Hat look pretty good!

So thank you, Tilley, for honoring your Lifetime Guarantee and holding true.  I'm a lifelong customer, and I hope I can get another 18 years of good use out of this next hat.

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