I thought I should print out my electronic journal just in case something gets erased, or lost. I have it backed up on 3 or 4 hard drives, and a couple of thumb drives, and in the cloud, but it's still a fear. So over the Christmas Break, I printed it out on hard copy.
It is just a little over 1000 pages long - the above picture is 527 pages of 2 sided print. The journal goes back to 1994. I started journaling in that year but quit around May. I took it up again in January of 1996 and have only missed 3 or 4 days since.
I used to write this journal in a square of a calendar, but you can't fit very much in a single square. Thus, the early years are only about 35 to 40 pages per year.
I typed out all those old journals into Microsoft Word, and continued to keep the journal by typing in it every day. Later years are 70 to 90 pages per year.
So this stack of paper is half my life - a front and back bundle of paper that measures 2 and 3/8 inches thick.
Someday maybe my kids will enjoy reading through it - - a little bit at a time.